ICCIA Business Connect Platform

In the context of the Islamic Chamber’s goals towards the achievement of the Economic Empowerment and Financial inclusion and support for achieving Economic and Social integration among the member countries through utilizing all the means to support the mechanism of the private sector’s world to conclude agreements between the different parties in the market of the Islamic countries, and on the other hand providing all necessary tools that enhance and catalyze the cooperation between all parties in the private sector in the Member countries, in the files of commerce and trade, ICCIA invite chambers to use ICCIA Business Connect Platform.

This platform aims to stimulate and facilitate the work of trade and development of trade and investment cooperation between all member countries in the private sector by providing al technical and logistical means for business people to develop and conclude agreements and partnerships.

The function of this platform is :

-organizing business to business meetings and/ or events in Pakistan, Egypt, Turkey, KSA,

– Provide consultation regarding the sectors of interests to the involved parties,

– Facilitate the communication and the coordination between the involved parties,

– Promote the successful collaboration all over the 57 member countries,

– Provide feasibility studies upon request from to the involved parties,

– Develop collaboration between the related media agencies/ journals for wider scope and publicity,

– Provide translation, if needed during the meeting

All the premises of the ICCIA either in the headquarters in Pakistan, the regional offices in the Arab Republic of Egypt, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Turkey, are available to utilize- upon request- by the members to hold B2B meeting, whenever they are visiting these countries in collaboration with ICCIA member chambers in those countries.

Service that member chambers will receive are consisting of:

  • Delegation of mutual sector companies representatives,
  • Delegation of entities such as international/ local organizations from selected country,
  • Venue of the meeting at ICCIA headquarters or regional offices premises ,
  • Website/social media promotion for the meeting on all platforms of ICCIA,
  • Photos,
  • Meeting duration=2 hours.