
From the very beginning, the Islamic Chamber has devoted its every effort to strengthen closer collaboration among OIC countries in the field of trade, insurance, shipping, banking and promotion of joint ventures.

The Islamic Chamber Research and Information Center

The Islamic Chamber Research and Information Center (ICRIC) affiliated to Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Development (ICCD), which was formed following the conclusion of a memorandum of understanding between the Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (ICCIMA) and the Islamic Chambers of Commerce and Development (ICCD) in 2003. This center was formed as a scientific and research arm of ICCD and for the purpose of developing business relations between Islamic countries and solving business problems and obstacles in them.

Board of Directors: The present board of directors of this center consists of representatives of Iran, Turkey, Benin, Egypt chambers of commerce and the secretary general of the Islamic Chamber.

The center is managed by a board of directors consisting of 9 members who are appointed for a period of 4 years as follows.

1- The president of ICCIMA  as the chairman  of the board of directors

2- Secretary General of the ICCD as the vice president

3- General Manager of ICRIC as the vice president

4- Three representatives from the ICCIMA chosen by the president of the Iran Chamber

5- Three representatives of OIC – ICCD member Islamic Chambers elected by the General Assembly of the Islamic Chamber

  • The board of directors is the highest decision-making authority in the center.

Mr. Samad Hassanzadeh

Chairman of the Board - Iran

Dr.Yusuf Hassan Khalawi

First Vice Chairman - Saudi Arabia

Dr. Mohammad Reza Karbasi

Director General and Second Vice Chairman - Iran

Ms. Saratou Adeoti Kabassi

Board Member - Benin

Professor. Sara Hassan Kamal El Gazzar

Board Member - Egypt

Mr. Güven Sak.

Board Member - Turkey

Eng. Ali Reza Ashraf

Board Member - Iran

Dr. Sabbah Zangeneh

Board Member - Iran

Eng.Hossein Salimi

Board Member - Iran

The main function and reason for the existence of this organization is to create effective communication and gather business information needed by Islamic countries in order to improve the economic situation and help the business environment of fifty-seven Islamic countries and create a fair and competitive environment for all member countries. The main goals and activities of this center are defined in the framework of six projects: “Islamic countries Tourism chain”, “Islamic World Trade Directory”, “Networking System of SMEs Agencies”, “Muslim Excellence and Competitiveness Award”, “Islamic Countries Credit rating System” and “Halal”.

The main activities of the center implemented on the projects are as the following:

Islamic World Trade Directory (IWTD):

This project was assigned to this center in order to provide access to the suppliers and manufacturers of member countries’ merchants and to create a comprehensive directory and information base. Steps taken by this center to create this directory:

– Cooperation with KOMPASS large directory in order to collect information about companies in countries where information was not available.

– Collecting and uploading demographic, commercial and regulatory information of member companies and presenting it to the Islamic Chamber to be placed on the Islamic Chamber website.

– Collecting the information of the companies of the member countries of Islamic cooperation and placing their information on the ICRIC site in Excel format.

– preparing the web pages and transfer the information collected from Excel to the web pages.

The Networking System of SMEs Agencies (ONSA):

This project aims to assist small and medium companies in OIC countries in order to overcome the problems they generally face and also to create equal opportunities to maintain their status and survival in the markets and to facilitate the import for small and medium enterprises through the agencies of each of these Islamic countries. Achieving this goal, it would make a networking and linking of all national and international organizations and introducing all the services of organizations involved in the development of small and medium enterprises, including information, incentive, policy-making, role modeling, and facilitation goals. Actions taken in this regard:

– Holding several training courses and international conferences, including: Pursuing Millennium Goals in 2013, Women’s Entrepreneurship in 2013, International workshop on the role of small and medium companies in the development of companies in 2018,

– Submitting a proposal to ICCD for the implementation of this project in 2015 and 2018.

– Signing a memorandum of cooperation with the Center for Education and Statistical, Economic and Social Research of Islamic Countries (SESRIC) and holding an international title “the Effect of Entrepreneurship Strategies on Development of SMEs” in 2018.

– Designing web pages in collaboration with ICCIMA on the ICRIC website to upload information of OIC agencies sponsoring or supporting SMEs, incubators and accelerator centers for small and medium-sized companies.

Islamic Countries Tourism Chain (ICTC):

This project was formed in order to improve Islamic tourism and identify the opportunities that this industry will create in Islamic countries. The purpose of this project is to create a platform to provide tourism services and introduce the capacities of each Muslim country and familiarize tourists with the pillars of Islamic tourism. Actions taken:

– Holding 4 OIC health tourism conferences of Islamic countries in holy Mashhad until 2013, and the 5th is going to be held in Iran by collaboration of ICRIC and ICCD within the current year.

– Signing a memorandum of understanding with the Iran Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts for Islamic Tourism development in Iran.

– Cooperation with the Ministry of Heritage to develop tourism standards

– Holding Halal Tourism training courses.

– Holding the National Pavilion at the Abu Dhabi Halal Tourism Exhibition in 2014 with the cooperation of the Ministry of Heritage.

– Cooperating with the National Standard Organization to develop the Halal tourism standard.

– Participation in the 4th Halal Forum of Thailand in Bangkok in 2016,

– Submitting a proposal to the Islamic Chamber to launch this project,

– Preparing the technical infrastructure of a website for this project with collaboration of ICCIMA as well as ICCD, which is currently being designed.

Muslim Excellence Competitiveness Award for OIC countries (ME& CAward):

This project was created with the aim of motivating companies operating in Muslim countries and increasing their competitiveness. In this project, the quality indicators applied by a high-level company to evaluate the applicant companies, and the best companies are introduced as the best. Actions taken:

– Holding the first competition in 2007 in Tehran.

– Holding the second round of the competition in 2012 in Istanbul, Turkey.

– Holding the third round of the competition in Kish in 2014,

– Holding the fourth round of the competition in 2015,

– Submitting a proposal to ICCD to restart the project with their participation,

Islamic Countries Credit Rating System (IC-CRS):

The purpose of this project is to create a ranking system for companies in OIC countries. In this project, careful monitoring of companies and their compliance with superior and standard quality components, as well as pushing companies to establish quality management in each company is being implemented. The main activities carried out:

– Outsourcing the project to an Iranian reputable Company and ranking 400 Iranian companies within the first year,

– Collecting information of 1200 other companies in order to rank for the next stage,

– Submitting the proposal for this project in level of OIC countries to ICCD to participate in the implementation of this project in 2015 and later in 2023.

– Examining the plan in the recent meeting in Doha in Dec. 2023 with the presence of representatives of the executive company in ICRIC BOD meeting.

Halal World

This project has gained a lot of credit. This center has been in cooperation with Halal World Institute (HWI), a department in Iran Chamber responsible for Halal concept and performing Halal related issues since 2006. Halal World Institute issues Halal certificates and in order to synergize with other governmental institutions, has formed scientific-jurisprudential committees with the presence of representatives of related institutions and organizations. It has signed a plenty of MoUs with national and governmental organizations. It should be noted that HWI is recognized and approved by other Halal certification centers in other countries, such as Croatia, Malaysia, China, Pakistan, Spain, etc.

HWI and ICRIC played an important role in approving “OIC General Guideline for Halal Food” in SMIIC committees in 2010 and 2011. Its’ representative participated in technical committee meetings for the aforementioned standard which is now the reference for Halal Certification activities in OIC countries.

In this regard, this center, in cooperation with the Iran National Standards Organization and the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade, held several meetings from 2014 to 2015 to develop the country’s halal road map, the result of which was the establishment of “ the Halal Steering Council” in the country in 2016 based on the Resolution No. 24043/T52156H of the Country Board of Ministers. This council aims to protect the Iranian Halal products and services, coordinate the actions and activities of the government in the field of Halal trade (brand) and achieve the general objectives of the Halal road map of the Islamic Republic of Iran, including prioritizing effective presence in the international arena, development and completing the Halal production and trade chain and realizing the central policies of the country. Four specialized committees were formed under the committee, and the permanent chair of the Committee for Halal Products and Services Trade was assigned to the Iran Chamber (ICRIC).

The center with cooperation of HWI, has conducted several training programmes for manufacturers in order to familiarize them with Halal Standards and the process of gaining Halal certificate.

The center with cooperation of HWI, has organized Iran-Croatia Halal Trade Conference in Tehran in 2022, in order to investigate the solutions for boosting Halal trade between Iran and Balkan countries, and mostly Croatia. The Second round of this program was held in 2023 in Zagreb- Croatia and this center dispatched a delegations consisting of traders and merchants to be acquainted with their Balkan trade partners.


The Islamic Chamber Research & Information Center shall undertake studies and researches in the areas such as:

  • To identify and analyze challenges and opportunities in the domain of trade, investment, information technology and E-commerce.
  • To assist small and medium size enterprises in Islamic countries.
  • To organize seminars, workshops and training programs on changes related to new trends in the world trade system.
  • To design training programs for ICCI in different sectors based on the actual needs and requirements of member states.
  • To collect, compile, analyze and disseminate trade data among Islamic Countries in order to set up an economic data bank in all fields related to economies.
  • To develop and consolidate the relationship between the Center and training institution, consultancy centers, universities and other relevant institutions in member Countries.
  • To publish and disseminate reports, booklets and books.
  • To study and analyze rules of Membership in WTO and active participation in relevant discussions in order to take a unified strategy among OIC and other developing countries.
  • To perform assignments suggested by Islamic Chamber of Commerce and industry.
  • To undertake studies, project sponsors and entrepreneurs in OIC Countries for implementation of their joint venture projects by inter-alia, preparing the necessary documents and feasibility studies in conformity with guidelines of IDB.
  • To undertake studies and research projects on the strategies for establishment of the Islamic Common Market.
  • To contribute to the potential areas for development of cooperation in the area of tourism in Islamic Countries.
  • To prepare studies on proposals in order to apply modern research methods to tackle economic problems in OIC Countries and provide solution thereto.
  • To help entrepreneurs through ICCI, to be equipped with technical skills and knowledge on marketing in different fields on industry.
  • To conduct surveys to determine potential areas of competitive advantage in different sectors in OIC countries for contributing to socio – economic growth of Islamic Countries.
  • To publish and disseminate the outcomes of the Center research in OIC Countries. The Venter shall establish close linkages with economic organs of Islamic Countries to further its objectives.
  • To research, develop and collect information about the Halal issues in Muslim and Non-Muslim countries and supporting and cooperating with the Halal centers in the world.