Corporate Credit Rating

Islamic Countries Credit Rating System (IC-CRS)

The Islamic Countries Credit Rating System has been deemed as a necessity in economic transactions. In order to sign a deal with a corporation, one needs to get to consider the credentials of the institutions on a scientific basis by credit rating institutions in order to have an assured contract.

In this respect as there were no credit rating companies available in Islamic countries, ICRIC started to design and create “Islamic Countries Credit Rating System (IC-CRS)” in order to use the existing credit rating knowledge in the Islamic world’s available rating companies in lieu of similar rating institutions in non Islamic regions so that they can easily emerge in global arenas and assure their economic counterparts.

Exact supervision on companies in accordance with 100 criteria which exist in EFQM system in Europe and adding quality criteria which are set in all countries, prepares this system for credit rating of companies from those with 100 to 1000 employees.

Credit rating is a theory indicating how much a company puts its commitments into practice completely and in proper time. Credit rating reflects financial, performative and legal aspects of a company and determines its capability and tendency in fulfilling its commitments. Credit rating is neither an indicator of transacting with commercial partners nor investing and so on, but an indicator of determining a companies condition in meeting its commitments.