Islamic World Trade Directory


The great Commercial, Industrial and service Directory in the Muslim world (IWTD) is one of the most research and information projects implemented by Islamic Chamber Research and Information Center (ICRIC) .IWTD is expected to play a proper role in expansion of economic cooperation among OIC member states. ICRIC has endeavored to provide this service in order to make the information accessible, because we believe that “Information is the Golden Key to Economic Growth”. The Importance of the Directory:  The important factor of Information dissemination is the major basis of each economic and commercial activity in our era. Acquaintance with abilities, capacities and advantages of ourselves and the others in the big family of Islamic countries, facilitates and ascertains the economic interactions and exchanges more benefits among all members of such a great economic and political block in the world. This leads to strengthen the economic capabilities of this great block and finally to rise in the political, social and cultural power of the Muslim nations. Therefore, ICRIC has established IWTD to reach the following main objectives:

* To make the B2B network among OIC countries,

* To help investment in OIC countries through introduction of strategic industrial products of countries,

*  To provide merchants and private sector activists with the required information for commercial and economical means,

*  To Make intra-OIC regional markets and commercial group,

*  To help less-developed countries in OIC to grow economically and financially by activating small business at there,

* To make a constructive competition among OIC countries which improves the quality of production,

* To identify and highlight suppliers and buyers in neighboring countries and help to reduce the costs,

* To provide the financial and consultancy services for improving the organizational and strategic structure of companies,

* To detect the suitable markets for investment  and economical growth of OIC countries via absorbing the Foreign Direct Investment.

Information Dissemination Methods:

Website: Disseminating information through internet by as the most wide- ranging data bank.

Books: the printed information about economic Operators and their endeavors in Islamic Countries at the national, regional and international levels.

CD: Providing the audio- visual collections containing the specific commercial information at the national, regional and international levels.

The IWTD website is an open webpage in which companies can insert their information freely. Meanwhile, the Chambers of Commerce of OIC countries have introduced their privilege industries and active companies. National chambers have a main role in activating the IWTD by defining the major functions of it and informing the companies of such a great possibility.


The great commercial, industrial and service directory in the Muslim World (IWTD) is one of the most important projects implemented by Islamic Chamber Research and Information Center (ICRIC). IWTD is expected to play the significant role in expansion of economic cooperation among OIC Member countries. Browsing the website, following features will be found:

  1. Information of Companies in Each Country

You can find here the appropriate information of companies in the Islamic countries i.e.: telephone No, fax, E- mail, website, address, products, etc.

  1. Sellers & Buyers

Here any interested person or company can benefit of this opportunity to present its products and also find its demands. The website will facilitate interactions.

  1. Top companies

Here you will be familiar with the latest grading and evolution Muslim companies regarding their annual revenues.

  1. Services

There are interesting abilities and facilities here for advertisements, tenders, bids, auctions, occasions, exhibitions, seminars etc.

  1. Import & Export

Browsing this window you can get acquainted with the import & export capacities and valuable products of Islamic countries.

  1. Search Tools

Here you can search the information of the companies through

* The name of the company

*The name of the country

* The name of the product

Method of Information Insertion

* The center will collect the information and put them in the website

*The companies and the users can register and put the appropriate information